
The MNCFN Community Trust is responsible for funding projects that meet the eligibility criteria set out in Section 11.5 of the Trust Agreement.  The Trustees developed a process by which Project Proposals will be submitted, reviewed and funded.

Projects submissions are only accepted if they are submitted by the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation, the Chief and Council and/or a Band Department, with the approval of the Chief and Council and from a Band Owned Company.  Submissions by Individual Band Members or a non-Band Council sanctioned group or organization, are not eligible for Community Trust funding.

Generally, proposal applications are for a one-year period of time, unless otherwise specified in the application.  All submissions must be accompanied by  a Chief and Council Motion of support to ensure that the project is a priority of the Council.

Approved Projects Summary

Approved Projects Summary
(in Chronological Order of Approvals)

1. Reaching For Our Dreams

The project was approved on Wednesday October 17, 2001 in the amount of $20,000.  The project was submitted by the LSK Principal and provided Anishnabek cultural education to the students and staff of the Lloyd S. King Elementary School   Cooperative classroom education, an Elder on site, cultural skills workshops, Family Night and finally a youth Powwow.  The final amount of the funding used for this project was $17,471.78.

2. Kinwii Dabadjimowin-LSK Mural Project

The Kinwii Dabadjimowin “Our Story” is the retelling of the Anishnabe creation story as depicted in mural form. The project was submitted by the LSK Elementary School and was approved on Tuesday June 1, 2002 for the requested amount of $27, 495.00.  The Mural was completed in October 2002 and can be viewed in the library of the LSK Elementary School. 

3. 2002 Powwow Committee

The project was submitted by the Powwow Committee and requested $18,000 to ensure the 2002 Powwow would be a no admission fee event for the community and was held on Saturday August 24, 2002.  The proposal was approved on Wednesday August 21, 2002 and the final amount of the project was $16,200.00

4. 2004 LSK Music Program

The Education Department originally submitted this proposal April 2, 2002 and due to further inquiry, the project was finally approved on February 4, 2004.  The project was approved for $24,800.00 to establish a Music Program at the LSK Elementary School to meet the Provincial elementary school curriculum, where funding for this program was not available through traditional sources.  The project was extended in time only, no extra funds were approved, to include the 2005 school year to fulfil the objectives of the project.

5. Laser Fiche Records Management

The proposal for the purchase of a Laser Fiche Records Management system for the First Nation to store official documents was originally submitted by the Lands, Research and Membership Department as a means to save sensitive historical records.  The project was revised to include the Records Department and approved on June 12, 2003 in the amount of $57,147.68.  The system has been in place and saving important Band information since then.

6. Mississauga Road Waterline

The proposal to extend the initial phase of the Waterline from the corner of 1st Line and New Credit Road along 1st Line was first received May 14, 2003.  After some initial discussion, correspondence and debate as to whether the proposed waterline for Mississauga Road and for Ojibway Road were one project or not, the Chief and Council formally requested that each waterline project be reviewed on a separate basis.  The Trustees approved the funding request for $249,000.00 for the Mississauga Road on August 11, 2004.  The Community Trustees believed that extending the waterline would benefit the existing residents of Mississauga Road and encourage and open land to those who would otherwise not be able to relocate back to the community as a safe water source was now available.  A safe water source would assist in providing good health for Band Members.

7. Ojibway Road Waterline

The project history for Ojibway Road followed the same path as with Mississauga Road noted above.  The project was approved for $249,000 on August 11, 2004.

8. 2003 Per Capita Distribution

The MNCFN Chief Bryan LaForme and the Council submitted a request to ask that the Community Trust process a Per Capita Distribution for the Band Membership.  The Community Trustees approved the request on June 12, 2003 and recommended that the Per Capita Distribution be 35% of the Net Revenue generated between 1997 and 2002 which totalled $672,543.55.  Any proposal in excess of $250,000 must be passed at a Community Member meeting.  The meeting was held on October 25, 2003 and the Band Membership voted in favour of proceeding with the distribution of $427.01 per eligible Member.  The PCD was processed by the Band in December 2003.

9. Lobbying Project

Chief Bryan LaForme and Council submitted a proposal to “Lobby” the Federal Government in support of defending First Nation rights in regard to three specific legislations proposed by the Federal Government (the Specific Claims Act, the First Nations Governance Act and the First Nations Fiscal Institutions Act).  The Community Trustees approved the proposal on April 14, 2004 for $69,500.00 and accepted the amended eligible “Lobbying” activities on August 11, 2004.  Chief LaForme provided a summary of the Lobbying that was accomplished and presented his efforts to the Board of Trustees on Wednesday November 22, 2006.  The Chief noted that he met with various Members of Parliament and other notable people of influence that he felt would promote or assist New Credit in their assertion of their Aboriginal and/or Treaty Rights.

10. 2005 Graduation Awards

Education Director Maxwell King, submitted a proposal to the Community Trust to acknowledge and provide a monetary reward for the achievements of New Credit Members that successfully graduated from a recognized level of education in 2005.  Graduates of Elementary (Grade 8) $50, High School $200, College $500, University $1,000 and Post Graduate $1,500 would receive a certificate signed by the Chief and Trust Chair as well as the noted monetary award.  The proposal was approved on May 18, 2005 in the amount of $18,000, where $14,210.67 was actually distributed to Members.

11. 2005 Donations Policy

The Lands, Research and Membership Department submitted a proposal for the Community Trust to match the $10,000 funding that Chief and Council provide to assist Band Members for various needs within the community.  The Trustees approved the request on August 2, 2005 for the 2005-2006 Band Fiscal Year.

12. 2006 Graduation Awards

The Education Department submitted a proposal to continue the Graduation Awards program for Band Members graduating from a level of education for the 2006 school year.  $18,000 was approved by the Community Trustees on March 28, 2006 and $12,813.80 was actually distributed for the 2006 Graduates.

13. 2006/07 Music and Arts Project

The LSK Elementary School applied to continue the LSK Music Program for the 2006/07 school year and added a reimbursement component for Band Members that were involved with arts training (music or dance lessons).  It was felt that a wider benefit could be achieved for Band Members that do not attend the LSK School, who were involved with music and arts.  Along with the in-school music and arts training for LSK students, the reimbursement program would provide up to a $250 reimbursement per member for lessons taken.

The Community Trustees approved the project for $24,500.00 on July 12, 2006.

14. 2006 Donations Policy

Lands, Research and Membership Department, who are responsible for managing the MNCFN Donations Policy fund for the Band Members, submitted the proposal to continue the practice of the Community Trust matching the $10,000 that Chief and Council contribute annually to run the program.  The Project was approved on July 12, 2006 by the Community Trustees.

15. Toronto Purchase Claim Booklets

The Lands, Research and Membership Department submitted a proposal to request $10,467.90 to produce revised and updated information materials to be distributed as part of New Credit’s information campaign in support of the Toronto Purchase Claim negotiations.  Two information booklets were developed that would be used anytime New Credit set up an information booth at any public event, both locally and in the Toronto area.  The proposal was approved by the Community Trustees on August 1, 2006.

16. Comprehensive Community Plan

The Chief and Council submitted a request for $99,619.00 for the development of a Comprehensive Community Plan for the New Credit Community, to revise and replace the 1985 Plan.  The Community Trustees approved the request on November 15, 2006.  To date the Band has utilized $59,949.60.

17. Small Business Grants Program

The Sustainable Economic Development Department Director, Spring Carter, submitted a request to assist the New Credit entrepreneur and small business community in establishing, expanding and evaluating their businesses.  The initial request was for $90,000 from the Community Trust.  The Small Business Grants Program was established and provided up to $5000 for eligible small business submissions from Band Members, both on and off the Reserve.  The Community Trustees approved the program on April 24, 2007.

18. 2007/08 Donations Policy

Lands, Research and Membership Department submitted the proposal to continue the Donations Policy program.  The Community Trustees approved $10,000 in funding on July 11, 2007.

19. New Credit Video Project

The Lands, Research and Membership Department and Chief and Council submitted a proposal for the production of a Historical Video that depicted the history of the Mississauga people from the perspective of their traditional lands and uses.  The video project originally requested $19,950 but was revised during the planning phase and ultimately requested $39,130.00 from the Community Trust, which was approved by the Community Trustees on July 11, 2007. 

The video was completed and titled “A Sacred Trust” and has been viewed by Aboriginal People across Canada that were extremely impressed with the information as well as those who were involved with the negotiations of the Toronto Purchase Claim.

20. 2007 Graduation Awards
The Education Department submitted a request to continue the Graduation Awards Program for the 2007 School Year graduates.  The Community Trustees approved $18,000 in funding on July 11, 2007.  The program distributed $12,750 to successful New Credit students in 2007.

21. Mind and Body Reimbursement Program

The 2007/08 School Year saw the LSK Music Program take on a new name to reflect the request to changes in what would be covered under the Music and Arts Reimbursement portion of the program.  Concern was raised by the Education Department that some physical fitness activities were not covered under any Band program and sought to include them in this program.  The same LSK Music Program would be continued for this school year but the reimbursement portion was expanded.  The Community Trustees approved $24,500 in funding on September 19, 2007.  The program actually utilized only $11,529.82.

22. Community Developer

For many years, the concern from the Band was that there was nobody available to create the “Business Plans” the Community Trust required to process funding requests.  In 2003, Former Chairperson Ken King had suggested that the Community Trust could fund a person to create these documents for the Band at a meeting with the Chief and Council, all it would take is an initial plan.  In 2007, Spring Carter, Sustainable Economic Development Director, had submitted the proposal for $62,185 to fund the position within the Band for a “Community Developer”. 

The Community Developer was responsible for drafting funding proposals for any Band department to be used to access funding from the Community Trust and/or any other federal, provincial or private funding sources, with the goal that they would find funding for their own position on an ongoing basis.  The duties also included working with the Band Members in developing their submissions to the Small Business Grants Program and working with the webmaster in developing the New Credit website.  The proposal was approved by the Community Trustees on September 19, 2007.

23. Veteran’s Monument

The Chief and Council submitted a request for $55,500.00 to design and construct a monument to honour those New Credit Members who served in any armed conflict by serving in the Armed Forces of Canada or the United States of America.  The proposal was approved by the Community Trustees on November 14, 2007.  To date the Band had utilized $49,950.00 in funding for this project.

24. North Subdivision Plan

The Sustainable Economic Development Department submitted a proposal for $30,580.00 to hire an engineering firm to develop plans for the North Subdivision Phase 2.  The area located off of New Credit Road near the Social Services Building is planned to be developed to expand the area available for housing for Band Members.  The proposal planned to coordinate the planning and design for this area including pre-engineering survey, design, Site grading, road and service design, hydro coordination, specs and tendering and geotechnical investigation.  It would also coordinate meetings and deliver the final document to Chief and Council.

The project was approved on February 27, 2008 and finally utilized a total of $27,800.

25. Country Style Franchise

The Chief and Council, through the Sustainable Economic Development Department submitted a proposal for $249, 570.00 for the leasehold improvement costs involved with the establishment of a Country Style Franchise to be located within the community.  The Community Trustees approved the funding on July 10, 2008.

26. 2008/09 Donations Policy

The Lands, Research and Membership submitted the proposal to continue the Donations Policy with matching funds from the Community Trust and the Chief and Council.   The Community Trustees approved the funding on July 10, 2008.

27. Social Services Vans

Social Services Department, utilizing the Community Developer, submitted a proposal to purchase 2 full size passenger vans for the use and benefit of the Band Members.  Social Services purchased a third van with their own funds.  The Community Trustees believed the benefit to the community was evident with the services these vans provided to elders, children and other Band Members.  The Trustees approved the funding request of $61,850.00 on July 10, 2008.

28. 2008 Graduation Awards

The Education Department submitted the proposal to continue the Graduation Awards for the 2008 New Credit Member Graduates.  The funding request for $18,000 was approved on July 10, 2008.  The program distributed $10,478.34 to Members graduation in 2008.

29. 2008 Per Capita Distribution

The Chief and Council requested that the Community Trust proceed with another Per Capita Distribution as they had done in 2003.  The Community Trustees took the request to the Community Members as the amount available was $293,326.25 ($163.41 per person) which represented 35% of the Net Revenue generated from the fiscal years 2003 to 2007.  A community meeting was called and the members in attendance approved the Per Capita Distribution on November 15, 2008.

30. Per Capita Distribution Expenses

The Chief and Council requested that the costs associated with processing the 2008 Per Capita Distribution.  The Community Trustees approved the $9,000 request on September 9, 2008.  To date the Band has not reported the actual costs associated with the 2008 PCD and not claimed the $9,000.

31. 2008/09 LSK Music Program

The Education Department submitted the proposal to continue the LSK Music Program for the 2008/09 school year.  The Community Trustees approved the $17,500.00 request on December 3, 2008.

32. 2008/09 Music Reimbursement Program

The Trustees approved the $4,000 request for the 2008/09 Music Reimbursement Program on December 3, 2008 as submitted by the Education Department.

33. 2009 Graduation Awards

The Education Department submitted the proposal to continue the Graduation Awards for the 2009 New Credit student graduates.  $18,000 was approved by the Community Trustees on March 11, 2009.  $11,057.56 was actually distributed to the eligible graduates for the 2009 school year.

34. 2009/10 LSK Music Program

The Education Department submitted the proposal for $17,965.00 to continue the LSK Music Program for the 2009/10 school year.  The Community Trustees approved the funding on May 20, 2009. 

35. 2009 MCNFN Economic Development Conference

The Chief and Council through the Sustainable Economic Development Department submitted a request for funding to host an Economic Development Conference in Hamilton at the Courtyard Marriot on Thursday October 22, 2009.  The conference was intended to showcase the New Credit community to the business community of Canada by introducing the services and opportunities within New Credit.  The conference was very well attended.
The Community Trustees approved $5,000.00 in funding to be used for costs associated with the Conference, on August 27, 2009.

36. Small Business Grants Program 2

The Sustainable Economic Development Department submitted a request to continue the Small Business Grants Program which had seen some success with the initial Community Trust funding.  This request was for $45,000 as the Chief and Council were very supportive of the program and agreed to fund half of the $90,000 fund pool.  The Community Trustees approved the funding of $45,000 on February 24, 2010.

37. 2010/11 LSK Music Program

The Education Department submitted a request for $17,500 to continue the LSK Music Program.  The Community Trustees approved the funding on October 13, 2010.

38. 2010/11 Donations Policy

The Lands, Research and Membership submitted a $10,000 request to continue the matching of funds with Chief and Council.  The Community Trustees approved the proposal on October 13, 2010.

39. 2010 Graduation Awards

The Education Department submitted a proposal for $18,000 to continue the Graduation Awards for the 2010 class of New Credit graduates.  The Community Trustees approved the funding on October 13, 2010.

40. 2010/11 Reimbursement Program

The Lands, Research and Membership Department submitted a proposal to continue the Reimbursement Program in the amount of $7,000.  The Community Trustees approved the request once the proposal had a Chief and Council support motion, on December 15, 2010.

41. 2011/12 LSK Music Program

The Education Department along with Principal Glenn Smith and Music Teacher Laurel Shannik provided a proposal request with a presentation for $20,000 to continue the LSK Music Program for the 2011/12 school year.  Mr. Smith and Ms. Shannik provided very passionate evidence as to the success of the program and thanked the Community Trust for their continued support. 
The Community Trustees approved the request on May 11, 2011.

42. 2011/12 Donations Policy

The Lands, Research and Membership Department submitted a request for the 2011/12 version of the Donations Policy and Reimbursement Program.  The Community Trustees approved the program funding in the amount of $17,000 ($10,000 Donations and $7,000 Reimbursement) on May 11, 2011.

43. 2011 Graduation Awards

The MNCFN Education Department submitted a proposal that was approved by the Board of Trustees on October 5, 2011.  The annual certificate of recogition of achievement and monetary award were renewed for another year, celebrating student achievements.  $18,000 was approved and $12,750 was actually distributed to graduates.

44. 2012/13 LSK Music Program

The MNCFN Education Department submitted a proposal for the 2012/13 academic year for $23,000 to cover the costs of the music program at the LSK Elementary School.  The application was approved by the Board of Trustees on May 10, 2012.

45. 2012/13 Donations Policy

The MNCFN Council's Donations and Reimbursement Program submission for the 2012/13 fiscal year, was submitted by the Lands, Research and Membership Department for a total amount of $25,000. The Band had requested an increase in funding to meet the growing needs of the community. The Donations portion of the fund is cost shared with the Council at $15,000 each and the Community Trust further adds $10,000 to the Reimbursement fund for members. The submission was approved on July 11, 2012.

46. 2012 Graduation Awards

The MNCFN Education Department submitted a proposal for the 2012 Graduation Awards Program for $63,000.  The proposal was approved for up to $62,500, which included increases over the education level awards and two $500 high school awards.  The proposal was approved on July 11, 2012.

47. 2013 New Credit Career Fair

A MNCFN Council Committee submitted a $3,000 request to contribute to the New Credit Career Fair for New Credit students.  The $3,000 request was approved on April 24, 2013.

48. 2013/14 Donations/Reimbursement Program

The Lands, Membership and Research Department submitted the 13/14 Fiscal year request to fund the MNCFN Donations/Reimbursement Program in the amount of $35,000.  The Community Trust approved funding up to $25,000 for the Program.  The $25,000 request was approved on April 24, 2013.

49. Historical Book Project

The New Credit Library Committee submitted a request for $17,400 to fund the updating, consolidation and reprinting of several historical documents/books that provide information on the New Credit Reserve and history.  The funding was approved on April 24, 2013.

50. 2013 Graduation Awards

The New Credit Education Department submitted the request for $62,000 for the 2013 School Year New Credit graduates program.  The  funding was approved June 18, 2013.

51. 2013/14 LSK Music Program

The New Credit Education Department submitted their annual request for funding for the Music Program for the Lloyd S. King Elementary School. The program funding of $23,000 was approved by the Community Trust on April 24, 2013. The funding will cover 2013-2014 school year.

52. 2014/15 Donations and Reimbursements Program

The Lands, Research and Membership Department requested $25,000 ($15,000 for Donations and $10,000 for Reimbursements). The Community Trust approved funding of $10,000 for Reimbursements and $7,000 for the Donations Policy on April 16, 2014.

53. 2014 Graduation Awards

On July 23, 2014, the Community Trust approved $31,000 for the 2014 graduates of New Credit.



Proposals Submission Process

1. Proposals are submitted in a full Business Plan format from the Chief and Council, a Band Owned Company or Band Department with Chief and Council approval.

2. The proposal is initially screened by the Community Trust General Manager.  If further information is required then the submitting group will provide the information.

3. The proposal is reviewed, evaluated and discussed at a formally convened Community Trustee meeting.

4. The proposal must be approved via a formal meeting motion.

5. The approved proposal is subject to the formal signing of a Contribution Agreement between the Community Trust and the MNCFN.  (This formalizes the transfer of funds between the Community Trust and the First Nation.  The First Nation would direct the funds to the appropriate department or purpose.  The approved funding is for that specific purpose only, the Band cannot use the approved funding for any other purpose and if they discontinue the project, the funding is deemed refundable to the Community Trust)

6. Subject to the signed Contribution Agreement, the Band would receive 90% of the approved funding and once a Final Report is submitted to the Community Trust upon completion of the project, the final 10% is released by the Community Trust.  If the project does not utilize the full amount of the initial 90% provided, the balance must be refunded to the Community Trust.

  Section 11.5 Eligibility Criteria

Section 11.5 states

Trust Property recorded in the Revenue Account shall only be used for:

a) Acquiring land to be added to the Reserve;
b) Investing in Permitted Investments of the type permitted in Article 12.2 (c) below;
c) Acquiring land to be held for investment or development purposes, whether or not the land is to be added to the Reserve;
d) The building, establishment and operation of a school or schools;
e) Scholarships and bursary funds for Band Members
f) Construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, ditches, water-courses, fences, buildings or permanent improvements, works or infrastructure on the Reserve;
g) The purchase of industrial or manufacturing equipment or machinery for the First Nation or for a Band Company;
h) To pay expenses necessarily incidental to the management of lands, buildings or businesses which are owned by the First Nation or a Band Company;
i) To establish and build a credit union or a bank or a trust company to be owned by the First Nation or a Band Company;
j) To promote the health of the Members, generally;
k) To promote or establish a business or commercial operation owned by the First Nation or a Band Company;
l) To establish or enhance recreational facilities owned by First Nation or a Band Company;
m) To preserve, study or promote the First Nation language and cultural heritage;
n) To lend money or other assets to the First Nation or Band Companies, for any purpose listed above;
o) To fund the research, development or negotiation of claims by First Nation, against Canada, Ontario, or both Canada and Ontario;
p) To hire people to work for the First Nation or Band Companies in the field of community development or resource development;
q) To pay the expenses of the Trustees and the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation Community Trust in connection with the administration and operation of the Trust;
r) To make per capita distributions to Band Members, without discrimination, in any amount, provided that the total sum of such per capita distributions does not exceed (35%) of the Net Income derived from the Trust Property in any year.