MNCFN Community Trustee

The Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation Community Trust is administrated by a Board of Trustees.  The Board consists of eight members, five of whom are elected from the general Band Membership and three are appointed by the Chief and Council. 

The Community Trust holds a Community Meeting and Trust Election annually, usually in April of each year, to inform the Band Membership and elect the Trustee(s) whose term is up for election. 

Elected Trustees

Elected Trustees must meet the following criteria as set forth in the MNCFN Trust Agreement.

i) Must be a MNCFN Band Member
ii) Must be at least 30 years of age
iii) Must hold an Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent

Elected Trustee terms are three years each and are staggered, such that each year 1 or 2 Trustee positions are up for election.  Additionally, the successful candidate must provide verification of the above noted criteria.

Chairperson-Margaret Sault
(April 2021- April 2024)

Margaret first elected in April 2018 and was very involved in the research and negotiations that established the Community Trust in 1997.  Margaret is a formal Councillor and the Director of the Lands Research and Membership Department. 

Vice Chairperson-C. Dale Sault 
(April 2023- April 2025)

Dale was elected in 2017 and has worked for various Band Departments including the Dept. of Consultation and Accommodation (DOCA) and Lands, Research and Membership.

Secretary-Treasurer-Tabitha King (April 2023-April 2026)

Tabitha was elected to the Community Trust in August 2021 and had been the Appointed Youth Trustee in 2014.  Tabitha brings a wealth of experience as a CPA and with her work at Indspire.

Matthew King (April 2023-April 2026)

Matt is also a first time elected Trustee and is a teacher at the Emily C General Elementary School in Ohsweken. Matt continues a long line if his family members who have contributed to the Community Trust Board.

Katharine Brown (April 2023-April 2024)

Katharine was first elected in April 2023 and works for the First Nation in the EarlyOn Education Department.

Former Trustees


Violet McKenzie
Kenneth King
Roma LaForme
Carolyn King
Maxwell King
William LaForme
Clynt King
Shirley Watson
Ward LaForme Jr.

George King

Evan Sault

Kerri L. King

Andrea M. Sault

Julie A. LaForme

Tanya LaForme

Frances LaForme


Maurice Biron 
Randy Sault

Kim Fullerton

Elaine Lickers


Kerri L. King
George Clyde King
Brandon King
Jolene King
Robert Hill

Tabitha McNaughton (King)

Joleen Sawyer

Katelyn LaForme

Jordan Jamieson

Jennifer Bonham

Gregory Porter

Appointed Trustees

Appointed Trustees are appointed by the MNCFN Chief and Council.  The Financial and Legal Trustee are two year terms and must be filled by a person who works in the respective fields of Finance and Law.  The Youth Trustee position was added in 2000 during the Community Amendment process and is a one year term and to be filled by a MNCFN Band Member who is between the ages of 18 and 29.  The position was intended to ensure the youth voice and perspective is included in Trust decisions as well as, ensuring the Youth of New Credit gain the experience and capacity in the field of Trust and Investment.

Legal Trustee-Jaimie Lickers 
(Jan 1, 2024 Dec 31, 2025)

Jaimie Lickers was originally appointed on Monday July 22, 2013 to serve the remainder of the existing 2012/13 Legal Trustee term. She was first reappointed to serve 2014 - 2015.  Ms.  Lickers is a nationally renown lawyer, specializing in Aboriginal Law, Taxation and Trusts.  Jaimie is now the Vice-President of Indigenous Markets at CIBC. Jaimie was previously the Head of Gowlings WLP's Indigenous Practice Group.

Financial Trustee-Brittney Sault
(Jan 1, 2024- Dec 31, 2025)

Brittney is a MCFN Band Member and Corporate Trustee for CIBC. Brittney's background includes her work for the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business and as the Director of Sustainable Economic Development with the MCFN. 

Youth Trustee-Randy W. King
(Jan 1, 2024- Dec 31, 2025)

Randy was appointed by the Chief and Council for the his first opportunity to serve as the Youth Representative January 2024.  Randy is responsible to provide the youth voice to the Board.